Relationship Counseling in Scottsdale, AZ
Empower You Experts provides professional relationship counseling in Scottsdale, AZ. Relationship and marital problems are one of the most common reasons people come to our practice. Relationship issues are a frequent presenting problem because individuals cannot be studied in isolation of others. When it comes to relationship counseling, we use our Empower You Experts System that incorporates strategies from a variety of therapy interventions and creates an eclectic therapy approach that includes:
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
- Imago Relationship Therapy
- Psychodynamic Therapy or (Insight-Oriented Therapy)
- Mindfulness Therapy
- Gottman Method
- Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
Empower You Experts provides professional relationship counseling in Scottsdale, AZ and is an all-inclusive practice and works with all diverse cultural and ethnic groups along with all sexual orientations and genders. Empower You Experts not only provides relationship counseling. We also provide a variety of other mental & Behavioral Health services.

Relationship Counseling in Scottsdale, AZ
When Empower You Experts works with individuals, couples and families, we oftentimes discuss and teach techniques related to improving relationships, such as building strategies in awareness and insight, linking early (past) familial learning and beliefs, such as shame and guilt thoughts, to the present conditions both individually and relationally.
Understanding how Transferences (the act of redirecting emotions and thoughts from the past, especially unconscious ones, onto a current person) can affect how one thinks, feels and behaves in their current love, work, family or social relationship.
When Empower You Experts of Scottsdale, AZ works with individuals, couples and families in relationship counseling, we often times discuss and teach techniques related to improving relationships.
Learn techniques to improve relationships that include building strategies in:
- Communication Skills
- Assertiveness Skills versus Aggressiveness or Reactivity
- Trust and Honesty
- Limit Setting
- Healthy Boundaries
- Conflict Resolution
- Stress and Anger Management
- Parenting Together Effectively
- Managing Finances or Problematic Financial Situations
- Acts of Appreciation
- How One’s Work Life choices affect Current Relationship
- How One’s Social Life Influences Present Relationship
- How Current Family and/or Family of Origin impacts Current Relationship
- How Parenting impacts Present Relationship
- Connection and Intimacy Building
- Sex Therapy
- Romance
- Coping with Grief and Loss
- Premarital Issues/Concerns
- Coping with Divorce
- Managing a Divorce
We specialize in the following relationship counseling services for people in every stage of a relationship including but not limited to:
- Couples Counseling & Therapy
- Pre-Marital Counseling & Therapy
- Marriage Counseling & Therapy
- Infidelity Counseling & Therapy
- Dating Counseling & Therapy
- Divorce Counseling & Therapy
- LGBTQ+ Couples Counseling & Therapy
We provide education on how different struggles, problems, and/or disorders influence the relationship with family, friends, and intimate partners or spouses.